welcome to meh site

sorry yall in the dark
(get flashbanged XD)

ill add more stuff later



my pfp!!

your local idiot!!! :D

here's THE site if you're looking for it!

:doodle { @size: 150% 150%; /* width: 100% height: 100%; */ gap: 10px; pointer-events: none; z-index: 0; } clip-path: polygon( 50% 0%, 61% 35%, 98% 35%, 68% 57%, 79% 91%, 50% 70%, 21% 91%, 32% 57%, 2% 35%, 39% 35% ); background: hsl(@rand(310, 330), 80%, @rand(75%, 100%)); transform: scale(@rand(20%, 100%)) rotate(@rand(0deg, 360deg)); animation: fall @rand(30s, 45s) infinite linear; @keyframes fall { 0% { transform: translateX(100vw) rotate(0deg); opacity: 0; } 50% { opacity: 1} 100% { transform: translateX(-100vw) translateY(100vh) rotate(@rand(-360deg, 360deg)); opacity: 0; } }